In the 50's and 60's many beautiful homes, hospitals, religious, educational and other buildings in your area were constructed with these fine Fleetlite windows, designed by aircraft engineers to outlast the life of the structure. The Fleetlite window has not been manufactured since 1969 when Fleet of America closed its doors. However, D. Gordon Eastwood Associates, through our subsidiary, Fleetlite Replacement Materials Inc., continue to provide "state of the art" maintenance materials to upgrade and maintain these fine aircraft engineer-designed windows to a condition far better than new and equal to or better than any replacement window at a fraction of replacement investment. They simply and economically can be restored to better than 50's/60's condition with today's advanced state of the art materials - and, at a significant less cost than replacement windows!
Fleetlite manufactured aluminum doors and windows from 1945 through 1969 and these were installed in finer homes, universities, religious institutions, hospitals, and other commercial buildings all across America. D. Gordon Eastwood, P.E., chief engineer with Fleetlite, took over the Fleetlite trademark, spare parts, hardware, stock and designs so that more sashes and windows can be made.
We have the technology, the materials, the know-how and even the manpower to restore your Fleetlite windows and doors to their original efficient condition. These windows and doors were designed to outlast any structure, but, of course, are exposed to the elements and require minimal maintenance.
We have expanded to a new line of vinyl and aluminum windows in various styles and designs. Fleetlite window systems meet the American Architectural Manufacturers Association (AAMA) specifications and our extrusions meet tests for strength and durability. Our high-impact vinyl extrusions are virtually indestructible.
•maximum energy efficiency
•classic styling and lasting beauty
•superior insulation and weatherseal
•convenience and ease of operation
•absolute minimum of maintenance
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